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Open Source Maintainers Meeting 2023-02-09

  • recording: Link
  • Github issue: #44
  • Minutes Google Doc: Link


Use github alias

  • Admins team: @onebeyond/admins
  • Maintainers team: @onebeyond/maintainers
  • Ulises Gascon: @ulisesGascon
  • Íñigo MarquΓ­nez Prado: @inigomarquinez


  • We are streaming on Youtube!
  • Changed repo name from admin to maintainers
  • Rollback to the previous logo


Repo template as baseline​

  • See #1
  • New metafile had been added

Prototype Pollution in JSON5 via Parse Method​

  • See #21
  • No progress on this.
  • Not very urgent as it's low risk

Create a secrets management repository​

  • See #30
  • Created a private repo by Ulises in the other organization

Repos with NPM version mismatch​

  • See #29
  • Serrano solved one πŸŽ‰
  • Ulises and Íñigo working on some others
  • Potential deprecation of some packages (7 years without maintenance)

Missing NPM Package publication permissions​

  • See #28
  • Pending to contact current owners of some npm packages to be able to deprecate them (anyway we can publish new releases in onebeyond org)

Unify licenses in Repositories​

OpenSSF Scorecard implementation​

  • See #41
  • Not a fantastic score right now.
  • Detailed issue explaining the topic with actionable items (lead by Ulises)
  • We made some testing with systemic-knex scoring, there is an issue to sign the projects (
  • This checks will cover many topics as Code reviews, enforcing rules, etc...

Initiatives for 2023​

  • See #20
  • Start the discussion asynchorniuasly

Q&A, Other​

  • Ulises will love to have a separate discussion for Systemic Ecosystem
    • table with compatibilities (systemic version - nodejs version - wrapped tool version)
  • Carlos will love to propose the creations of an engineering guidelines for open source projects
    • + separate document + include in baseline repo
  • Betis started a discussion about open sourcing internal products like mood tool, gratitude, project review tool... (Ulises will check internally)

Upcoming Meetings​

  • In two weeks!